Welcome to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish

Welcome to

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish

At Our Mother of Perpetual Help we are dedicated to moving forward into our future with compassion, generosity and an openness of spirit.  We believe that the nurturing of the community around the Eucharistic Table is extended through gatherings which further strengthen and support us.  We foster this faithfully through the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts and talents of our members.  We continue to walk our journey together with the Lord, our future secure in the knowledge that we have common goals in God's ever-present love. Father Paul Chateau is our Pastor and leads our parish. 

Our Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil Mass

4:30 pm

Sunday Mass

9:00 am

11:00 am

Tuesday and Thursday Weekday Masses

Tuesdays - 9:00 am

Thursdays - 9:00 am

(First Thursday of the month the Mass will be at 7pm)

Archbishop Vigneron's Pastoral Note

On Feb. 6, 2025, Archbishop Vigneron issued his Pastoral Note entitled

No Second Tunic

A Plan for Mission-Ready Families of Parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit

In a new pastoral note released Feb. 6, "No Second Tunic: A Plan for Mission-Ready Families of Parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit,” Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron said the Archdiocese of Detroit will undergo a multi-year process of renewal in order to create "mission-ready Families of Parishes," ready to respond in faith to the challenges of modern evangelization, including a declining number of priests and a surplus of aging infrastructure. (Detroit Catholic file photos)

Click here to read Archbishop Vigneron's Pastoral Note

Upcoming Events Sponsored by our Men's Organization


Pre-Lent Breakfast

Sunday, March 2

9am - 11am 

Bradley Hall

The breakfast menu includes original and raspberry pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, pastries, and beverages.

Join us before or after Mass for All You Can Eat.  Cost is $8 for adults, $5 for children.  Children under 3 eat for free.


Palm Sunday Breakfasst

Sunday, April 13th

9am - 11am

Menu includes original and blueberry pancakes, sausage links, scrambled eggs, pastries, and beverages.

All You Can Eat - $8 for adults, $5 for children.  Children under 3 eat for free.



Taco Night

Saturday, May 3rd following the 4:30 Vigil Mass

in Bradley Hall

Menu includes beef and chicken with soft or hard shells, a variety of taco toppings, tortilla chips, salsa, dessert, and beverages

Cost $8 for 3 tacos

Additional tacos may be purchased.


Brats, Burgers and Beverages

Saturday, May 17

Following the 4:30pm Vigil Mass

Menu includes a brat, a burger, or a 1/4 pound hot dog, bun, condiments, potato salad and other sides, dessert, and beverages.

Cost is $8 (choic of one meat - additional meat may be purchased)



Family of Parishes News, Events and Information

Family Sent on Mission now has a monthly bulletin.  

Click here to view the monthly bulletin after the first of the month




February Family of Parishes Intention

from Church of the Transfiguration

Prayer for the terminally ill.

Let us pray for the terminally ill,

that they may receive the medical

and human care they need.

We pray also for their caregivers,

that God will give them the gifts they need

to accompany their loved ones,

We pray to the Lord...


Click here for more info on Family Events, News and Information

Directions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish

Click here to donate online

Contributions can be mailed in to the parish office at 13500 Oak Park Blvd., Oak Park, MI  48237 or made securely online by clicking the link above or via our parish mobile app. Please know that we especially appreciate your support of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish during this time.


Our Mission Statement

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish is a welcoming and nurturing Catholic community building up the Body of Christ through prayer and service.

Our Vision Statement

Our vision is to be an extraordinary spiritual gathering place where people of all backgrounds and ages are welcome to question and learn, pray, worship, and serve.  In community through prayer and worship we hope to continue to grow together in our understanding and appreciation of God’s love.  We strive to change and improve our lives and the lives of others.

Download the Parish Mobile App

If you have not downloaded the parish mobile app please do so. For android products go to the Google Play Store WeConnect Parish App on your phone.  For apple products go to the Apple Store WeConnect Parish App on your phone. Or use the QR Code below.

Search for Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Remember to subscribe to the notifications you want to receive. 

QR Code for WeConnect Parish Mobile App



Office Hours

Parish Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10am-2pm
PARISH PHONE: 248-545-2310
PARISH FAX: 248-545-2312
PARISH EMAIL: omophparish@gmail.com

Parish Office

The Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish Office is located at 

13500 Oak Park Blvd. (on the northeast corner of Oak Park Blvd. and Coolidge Hwy.)

Oak Park, Michigan  48237

Saint of the Day

In The Words of Pope Francis

“If you want to destroy institutions or people, you start by speaking ill of them … watch out for slanderous communication.”